About me

# This is my about me section written in Python
# The code is functional and outputs a simple sentence

# Define a blueprint for a Person
class Student:
    def __init__(self, name, field_of_study):
        self.name = name
        self.field_of_study = field_of_study

    def introduce(self):
        return f"Hello, I'm {self.name}, studying {self.field_of_study}."

# Create an instance representing Piotr, a student of Computer Science
piotr = Student(name="Piotr", field_of_study="Computer Science")

# Display an introduction for Piotr

My hobbies

My hobbies include immersing myself in the great outdoors through camping, capturing nature’s beauty through photography, exploring trails by hiking, and gliding through snowy slopes while skiing.

My Awards & Certifications

My IT and customer service certifications enable me to proficiently manage technology while providing excellent customer support, merging technical know-how with effective communication skills.